
EASY Recipe: Eggs, Rice, & Ketchup

I want to share a simple dish that my family and I grew up eating, it's one of my favorite go to dishes it definitely fills me up and taste great. The reason it's one of my go to dishes is because it has ingredients that are usually within my house. 

I feel like this dish is maybe a Filipino thing I'm not sure, I've asked numerous friends with different cultures and they've never tried it before. But I assure you it's a great dish. 

Three simple ingredients

Rice, scrambled eggs, and ketchup 

When I was a child I would go all out.. I probably have a bunch of rice and a bunch of ketchup but now being an adult I do measure out my ingredients but I feel it's really a preference on how you would like it. 

All you have to do is cook scramble eggs once done mix in cooked rice and ketchup up to your desire. Enjoy!

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